Coming on an advanced navigation course or GPS navigation course in the Lake District will give you the knowledge and skills you need to go anywhere in the mountains, and in any conditions.
Navigation using a map and compass is not some irrelevant skill from the past. GPS and smartphones have not made map reading redundant. For any number of reasons it’s still the number one skill to learn before venturing out into remote hills and mountains in the UK. We discuss these reasons on our courses. The root cause of many accidents and mountain rescue call-outs is a navigational error. Sure, they may be called out to rescue a walker with a broken leg. But when you trace back along the chain of events that led to the accident, it so often stems from ‘taking the wrong turn’ or ‘not being sure of the way.’
Booking and Prices
If you’d like to know more about our advanced navigation and map reading courses and GPS navigation courses in the Lake District, then see our main page for more details and prices or see what our clients say about us.
When you are ready, then get in touch to make an enquiry or a booking.
We also run advanced navigation courses in Snowdonia and the Yorkshire Dales.
You can read our article with lots of tips on how to improve your map reading and navigation skills.

Advanced Navigation Course in the Lake District
An advanced navigation course in the Lake District is suitable for those who already feel confident navigating on paths and tracks. You may even venture off the tracks and perhaps use compass bearings occasionally. This course will take your navigation skills to the next level. We will look at at more precise navigational techniques, in particular accurate interpretation of contour lines. We will also examine and practice accurate timing and pacing, and following compass bearings.
Next, we will assemble these ‘building blocks’ into a range of advanced navigational strategies. This becomes your ‘toolbox’ of techniques to solve any navigational problem that circumstances throw at you. As well as being coached during plenty of practice, you will pick up a host of tips along the way – such as how to judge your own walking speed.
For those courses based on GPS navigation, we look at both dedicated devices (such as a Garmin) and use of a mobile phone. We will cover the key functionality and different modes of a GPS device so you understand how best to use it in different circumstances. We will also look at navigation using a mobile phone, and discuss which apps and mapping are most suitable. We will also cover the limitations and constraints associated with relying on mobile phone for navigation.
This course will also suit anyone who is on their journey through the Mountain Training awards.