Home » Posforth Gill Waterfall, Yorkshire Dales
Posforth Gill Waterfall is one of the waterfalls you might visit on a guided waterfall walk in the Yorkshire Dales. The Yorkshire Dales National Park has a plethora of beautiful waterfalls. The list includes the famous ‘tourist traps’ and extends all the way down to little-known gems tucked away from sight.
This one, Posforth Gill Waterfall, falls somewhere in the middle. It is fairly well known and popular and only 15-20 minutes walk from a road. However, others are found higher up on the limestone hillsides and can take a little longer to reach. Some waterfalls are definitely for looking at only, while others provide spots for a bit of wild swimming.
If you’d like to explore some of the waterfalls of the Yorkshire Dales, like Posforth Gill, on a guided waterfall walk, then just get in touch. If you’d prefer something more physically challenging, then we offer a range of guided walks in the Yorkshire Dales, including the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge.