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Harvey Maps Mazzles – Tip #49

By 2nd April 2020January 13th, 2021Navigation, Resources, Tips

Harvey Maps Mazzles

Harvey Maps ‘Mazzles’ are a perfect way of putting some ‘lockdown’ time to good use. If you want to improve your map-reading and navigation skills, then one vital element is to become completely at home with visualising what the map is representing. In turn, one way of achieving this is simply spending a lot of time studying maps closely and really looking at the detail. But who wants to do this when we would rather be getting on with our walk and enjoying the views?

During the ‘lockdown’ we all have the ideal opportunity to spend time looking at maps of some of the most popular mountain areas of the UK, but not in a boring way. Order yourself a ‘Mazzle’ (Map-Puzzle) jigsaw from Harvey Maps and spend a little time each day working on it.

Obviously the best way to learn to navigate is being outdoors and using your map to actually navigate. This is what we would usually be doing on any of our navigation courses. However, with limitations imposed on being outdoors, you will almost certainly find that having to study the map detail to complete the jigsaw will start to embed in your brain a deeper understanding of what the map represents. Plus it’s fun – in an infuriating kind of way.

You can also get more ideas about to how improve your map reading and navigation skills in our tips article. Or why not join us for one of our family-oriented map reading courses?


A close up of the Harvey's Mazzle of Ben Nevis - a useful way to learn map reading skills.” width=